The question of Godmen; Sai Baba, Vishwananda etc

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Rumours of a new "Guru" - 'Guru Ani' seriously!!!

Well it's been a while since there has been some new meat to sink our teeth into but we have been "blessed" with not another male robe-wearing, chant my name in a mantra guru but an oddball of sorts - a female, trying-not-to-look like a gypsy type (pardon any potential political incorrectness here and praise the alliteration), Aum Sai Ram shouting Eastern lady.
Our first question is what will the "Sai devotees" think.

The second question is where will be the victims but I digress because I know you are still questioning 'Guru Ani' - more will be revealed in time but one cannot escape the comedy factor and one will be keeping a close eye on the signs. So moving to the question of where will be the victims - Africa and Europe probably are where the obvious unsuspecting or very suspecting spiritual seekers will fall prey to the "charms" of Guru Ani. India will certainly not escape the unmistakable presence of Guru Ani and for the "Sai devotees" there, be prepared!!

On a serious note, given the rocketing of the traditional male guru trend coming to an end it is an ideal time to set a new, refreshing spiritual trend as the norm but the notion of a guru will remain a suspicious one regardless of motives as surrendering power to any being is very dangerous. I will be looking on with a great deal of interest to see how this new Guru Ani approaches the very complex path of spirituality.